ladies hidden suffering


and welcome to the wonderful and bloody world of mensturation

its time for ladies to no longer hide themselves in their suffering

consider this a cry for VISABILITY

For years and years women have hidden their natural bodlily functions from the world. This was seemingly meant to protect themselves and the poor poor patriarchy that ruled over them. As years past, women gained more and more rights and equality. They were no longer made to remain in huts outdoors at " that time of the month". It bacame understood that women were not unclean for this natural cyclical process. And yet, the subject remained to be taboo across the world. We continue to hide our feminine products and refuse to talk about our discomfort even when the pain is excruciating. No More! This art piece is meant to make the invisible period overtly visable! This is a call to no longer hide this process but to celebrate female strength!

Love and acceptence around our bleeding is an important epiphany to come accross


I have linked here some products that allow for young women to no longer feel shame about their body and period but to manage and accept it with open arms! Period supplies

because periods are nothing to hide or be ashamed of. Too long have they been kept invisible and in the dark. Let our new generation be free of this stigma!

we don't need to feel like Carrie whenever this happens. We should be educating all genders about menstruation so the shame that plagues so many women.